Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR)
Biography of the Noble Prophet [pbuh]
by Saif-ur -Rahman al-Mubarakpuri
Biography of the Noble Prophet [pbuh]
by Saif-ur -Rahman al-Mubarakpuri
- Location and nature of Arab Tribes
- Location of the Arabs
- Arab Tribes
- Rulership and Princeship among the Arabs
- Rulership in Yemen
- Rulership in Heerah
- Rulership in Geographical Syria
- Rulership in Hijaz
- The Reasons of this war have been illustrated in three versions
- Rulership in Pan-Arabia
- The political situation
- Religions of the Arabs
- The Religious situation
- Aspects of Pre-Islamic Arabian Society
- Social life of the Arabs
- The Economic Situation
- Ethics
- The Lineage and Family of Muhammad [pbuh]
- The prophetic Family
- Muhammad’s Birth and Forty years prior Prophethood
- His Birth
- Babyhood
- Back to his passionate Mother
- To His compassionate Grandfather
- Bahira, the Monk
- The Sacrilegious wars
- Al-Fudoul confederacy
- Muhammad’s Early Job
- His Marriage to Khadijah
- Rebuilding Al-Ka‘bah and the Arbitration Issue
- A Rapid Review of Muhammad’s Biography before commissioning of the Prophethood
- In the Shade of the Message and Prophethood
- In the Cave of Hira’
- Gabriel brings down the Revelation
- Interruption of Revelation
- Once more, Gabriel brings Allah’s Revelation
- Some details pertinent to the successive stages of Revelation
- Proclaiming Allah, the All-High; and the Immediate Constituents
- Phases and stages of the call
- The First Stage: Strife in the Way of the Call
- Three years of Secret Call
- The Early Converts
- As-Salat (the Prayer)
- The Quraishites learn about the Call
- The Second Phase: Open Preaching
- First Revelation regarding the Preaching
- Calling the Closest Kinspeople
- On Mount As-Safa
- Shouting the Truth and the Polytheists’ Reaction
- An Advisory Council to debar Pilgrims from Muhammad’s Call
- Attempts made to check the Onward March of Islam
- Persecutions
- The House of Al-Arqum
- The First Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
- Quraish’s Machination against the Emigrants
- Once more Quraish approaches Abu Talib
- The Tyrants’ Decision to kill the Prophet [pbuh]
- The Conversion of Hamzah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib
- The Conversion of ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab
- Quraish’s Representative negotiates with the Messenger of Allah SWT
- Abu Talib assmbles Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib
- General Social Boycott
- A Pact of Injustice and Aggression
- The Final Phase of the Diplomacy of Negotiation
- The Year of Grief
- Abu Talib’s Death
- Khadijah passes away to the Mercy of Allah
- His Marriage to Sawdah [R] in Shawwal, the tenth year of Prophethood
- Factors inspiring patience and perserverance
- The Third Phase: Calling unto Islam beyond Makkah
- Islam being introduced to Arabian Tribes and Individuals
- Hope inspiring Breezes from the Madinese
- Marriage of the Prophet [pbuh] to ‘Aisha [R]
- The Second ‘Aqabah Pledge
- The Vanguard of Migration (in the Cause of Allah)
- In An-Nadwah (Council) House The Parliament of Quraish
- Migration of the Prophet [pbuh]
- Life in Madinah
- The First Phase: The Status Quo in Madinah at the Time of Emigration
- A New Society being built
- A Charter of Islamic Alliance
- A Cooperation and Non-Aggression Pact with the Jews
- The Prophet on the Battlefield
- Pre-Badr Missions and Invasions
- The Battle of Badr - The First Decisive Battle in the History of Islam
- Reason of the Battle
- Some Significant Instances of Devotion
- Reaction in Makkah
- Madinah receives the News of Victory
- The Battle of Badr in its Qur’anic Context
- The Military Activities between Badr and Uhud
- Al-Kudr Invasion
- An Attempt on the Life of the Prophet [pbuh]
- Invasion of Bani Qainuqa‘
- The Qainuqa‘ Jews breach the Covenant
- As-Sawiq Invasion
- Dhi Amr Invasion
- Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf, killed
- The Invasion of Buhran
- Zaid bin Harithah leads a Compaign on the Trade Routes of Quraish
- The Battle of Uhud
- A Consultation Assembly for a Defence Plan
- Dividing the Islamic Army into phalanxes and Departure to the Battlefield
- Parading the Army
- Passing the Night between Uhud and Madinah
- The Rebellion of ‘Abdullah bin Ubai and his Followers
- The Remainder of the Islamic Army are on the Move to Uhud
- The Defence Plan
- The Messenger of Allah SWT implants the Spirit of Bravery among his Armed Forces
- Recruitment of the Makkan Army
- Political Manoeuvres of Quraish
- The effort of Quraishite women at waging the Zeal of Men
- The Combat
- Assassination of Asadullah (the Lion of Allah) Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib
- Bringing the Situation under Control
- From his wife’s lap to Sword-fights and Sorrows
- The Contribution of the Archers squad to the Battle
- The Archers’s Fatal Mistake
- The Most Awkward Hour in the Messenger’s Life
- Mutilation of the Martyrs
- Burial of the Martyrs
- Hamrâ’ Al-Asad Invasion
- The Observations of the Noble Qur’ân on the Battle of Uhud
- Lessons and Moralities
- Military Platoons and Missions between the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Confederates
- Abi Salamah Mission
- An Errand led by ‘Abdullah bin Unais
- The Event of Ar-Raji‘
- The Tragedy of Ma‘una Well
- Bani An-Nadeer Invasion
- The Invasion of Najd
- The Invasion of Badr, the Second
- The Invasion of Doumat Al-Jaudal
- Al-Ahzab (the Confederates) Invasion
- Invading Banu Quraiza
- Military Activities continued
- Bani Lihyan Invasion
- Expeditions and Delegations continued
- Bani Al-Mustaliq (Muraisi‘) Ghazwah Sha‘ban 6 Hijri
- The treacherous Role of the Hypocrites Prior to the Bani Al-Mustaliq Ghazwah
- The wicked Role they played in the Course of the Ghazwah of Bani Al-Mustaliq
- The Slander Affair
- Delegations and Expeditions following Al-Muraisi‘ Ghazwah
- Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty (Dhul Qu‘dah 6 A.H.)
- Al-Hudaibiya Treaty: Socio Political Impact
- The Second Stage: A New Phase of Islamic Action
- The Prophet’s Plans to spread the Message of Islam to beyond Arabia
- A Deputation to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
- Letter to the Vicegerent of Egypt, called Muqawqas
- A Letter to chosroes, Emperor of Persia
- The Envoy to Caesar, King of Rome
- A Letter to Mundhir bin Sawa, Governor of Bahrain
- A Letter to Haudha bin ‘Ali, Governor of Yamama.
- A Letter to Harith bin Abi Shamir Al-Ghassani, King of Damascus
- A Letter to the King of ‘Oman, Jaifer, and his Bother ‘Abd Al-Jalandi
- Post-Hudaibiyah Hostilities
- Dhu Qarad Invasion
- The Conquest of Khaibar (in Moharram, 7 A.H.)
- The Actual operation begins
- The Second Part of Khaibar Conquered
- Negotiations
- Distribution of Spoils
- Sporadic Invasions
- The Expedition called Dhat-ur-Riqa‘ (in the year 7 A.H.)
- The Compensatory ‘Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage)
- The Battle of Mu’tah
- Dhat As-Salasil Compaign
- Khadrah Campaign
- The Conquest of Makkah
- Pre-conquest Events
- Preparations for the Attach on Makkah, and the Prophet’s Attempt at imposing a News Black-out
- The Third Stage
- Hunain Ghazwah
- The Enemy’s march and their Encampment at Awtas
- The war-experienced Man wrongs the Leader’s Judgement
- Reconnoitering the Weapons of the Messenger of Allah SWT
- Reconnoitering the Enemy’s Weapons
- The Messenger of Allah SWT leaves Makkah for Hunain
- The Islamic Army stunned the Archers and the Attackers
- Muslims’ return to the Battlefield, and the fierceness of the Fight
- Reverse of Fortunes and the Enemy’s utter Defeat
- Hot pursuit of the Enemy
- Ta’if Compaign
- The Distribution of the Booty at al-Ji‘ranah
- The Helpers (Al-Ansar) are furious at the Messenger of Allah SWT
- Arrival of the Hawazin Delegation
- Lesser Pilgrimage (Al-‘Umrah) to Makkah and leaving for Madinah
- Missions and Platoons After the Conquest
- The Platoons
- The Invasion of Tabuk in Rajab, in the year 9 A.H.
- The underlying Reasons
- General News about the Byzantines and Ghassanide Preparations for War
- Particular News about the Byzantine and Ghassanide preparations for War
- The Muslim Army is leaving for Tabuk
- The Army of Islam at Tabuk
- Returning to Madinah
- The People Who lagged Behind
- The Invasion of Tabuk and its Far-Reaching Ramifications
- The Qur’ânic Verses Relating to this Invasion
- Some Important Events that featured that Year
- Abu Bakr [R] performs the Pilgrimage
- A Meditation on the Ghazawat
- People embrace the Religion of Allah in Large Crowds
- The Delegations
- The Success and Impact of the Call
- The Farewell Pilgrimage
- The Last Expeditions
- The Journey to Allah, the Sublime
- Symptoms of Farewell
- The Start of the Disease
- The Last Week
- Five days before death
- Four days before his death
- A Day or Two prior to Death
- A Day before his Death
- The Last day Alive
- The Prophet [pbuh] breathes his Last
- The companions’ concern over the Prophet’s Death
- Umar’s Attitude
- Abu Bakr’s Attitude
- Burial and Farewell Preparations to his Honourable Body
- The Prophet Household
- The Prophet [pbuh] , Attributes and Manners
- Beauty of creation
- The perfection of Soul and Nobility